Is This How We Save the World?

February 17, 2021


Weโ€™re each living through (and inadvertently participating in) one of the biggest mass extinction periods the Earth has ever seen, as explained in the World Scientists Warning to Humanity.

No one wants this. Itโ€™s overwhelming to even think about.ย 

Mass extinction is something our minds literally canโ€™t comprehend, and so we ignore it, move on with our lives, hope someone else is working on the mounting problems, and we go about our day to day activities.ย 

It’s hard to know what to do, so most people tend to do nothing.

But rather than just sitting back and hoping someone else solves this mounting problem, itโ€™s important we all start taking action.ย 

From my research and studies, Iโ€™ve identified 2 simple things that each of us can do to help to bring about real change.

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a look at the challenge.

The Biggest Threat

Do you know what one of the biggest threats to natural ecosystems, native plants, animals and biodiversity is?ย 

Shockingly, itโ€™s not gas guzzling vehicles, blatant commercial over-consumption or even inefficient and out of balance city-spaces. These things are certainly problematic for natural ecosystems and play their roleโ€ฆ

According to the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services:

Itโ€™s agriculture!


And no: Weโ€™re not just talking about meat here, nor is this a post about “going vegan” โ€ฆ This isn’t about blaming animal products for all our problems.

Obviously, mass-scale and inhumane animal agricultural and commercial fishing practices are a big part of the problem.

But really it’s the entire paradigm for where our food comes from.

Petrochemical farming, mono-culture mega farms and even most industrialized organic farming practices are out of balance.

Humanity is drastically living out of balance with Mother Nature in a way that cannot be sustained.

Agriculture practices are one of the biggest threats to ecosystems because they’re destroying habitat and stripping soil of its nutritional value.

Soil health is unbelievably important. Did you know that most food today has become less nutritious than crops grown a couple of decades ago?

Soil depletion is also negatively contributing to climate change. For more about on soil health, check out the Kiss the Ground Documentary on Netflix.

I know, there are so many documentaries out there that clearly outline the mounting challenges of the day, but they rarely share actionable steps we can take to be the change. They can be a bit depressing.

So let’s talk about the solution!

What can we do?

As consumers reliant on an industrialized food system we need to choose a new way forward, which might require looking back in time.

Did you know that in 1945, people in America grew 45% of their own food sustainably right in their backyard gardens? Todayโ€ฆ Less than 0.1% of food is grown in this way.ย 

A great place to begin is right in your back yard.

Start by stepping up your gardening efforts at home. If you don’t yet have a garden, take a step to start a small garden project in your yard or on your balcony this year!

Even growing one tomato plant or a salad bowl of lettuces is a start. ย 

I just got back into gardening 2 years ago, and it’s honestly one of the most rewarding, fulfilling, magical, healing, and delicious hobbies there is.ย 

Check out Gaia’s Garden for ideas and inspiration.

As Geoff Lawton, a renowned permaculture consultant, designer and teacher so eloquently stated: ย โ€œAll the Worldโ€™s Problems Can Be Solved in a Garden.โ€

Next Stepsย 

Despite my newly rekindled love for gardening, composting and building permaculture food-systemsโ€ฆ Iโ€™m still years away from growing even 45% of my own food.

What else can we do today?

Changing where we buy our food from is an immediate step each one of us can take.

While so much of the food system is fatally flawed, and even most organic growers are growing nutritionally depleted vegetables, there are solutions emerging.

Farms that improve soil health, regenerate the land and increase biodiversity while growing healthy foods for market already exist.

This means we can choose to support innovative farmers focusing on building soil health and purchase from the brands who are leading us forward into a new regenerative agriculture.

Look for companies, farms, restaurants and brands who are using Regenerative Agriculture practices.

Shop at your local farmers market and talk to the vendors to learn who is taking steps to grow in a way that is regenerative to soil health and helping promote biodiversity rather than depleting it.

Photo from Miracle Farms – An Organic Regenerative Orchard

What Is Regenerative Agriculture?ย 

From Wikipedia: โ€œRegenerative agriculture is a conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and farming systems. It focuses on topsoil regeneration, increasing biodiversity, improving the water cycle, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting bio-sequestration, increasing resilience to climate change, and strengthening the health and vitality of farm soilโ€

Regenerative Agriculture refers to the holistic and sustainable farming practices that are leading by example and showing a way to live in greater harmony with Mother Nature.ย 

Regenerative Agriculture is not only about doing less harm, but it’s also about leveraging practices to grow food in a way that the land is improved, rather than depleted and stripped.ย 

With how we’ve treated the planet, sustainability isn’t enough, we now need to regenerate soil health and support natural ecosystems.

Regenerative farming practices not only produce nutrient dense food, they also remove carbon from the atmosphere, while cultivating healthy eco-systems that will flourish long beyond the life of the farm.

Inspired to Learn More?ย 

If you want to learn more about Regenerative Agriculture you can learn more here.ย 

To learn more about the connection between soil health and climate change check out the Documentary Kiss the Ground (On Netflix).

Another great documentary to check out is by Farmers Footprint, one of the leading nonprofits helping commercial farmers transition to regenerative agriculture practices.ย 

I really like what Farmers Footprint is doing and choose to donate monthly.

Photo from Mothers Finest Urban Farm
Photo of Samantha Foxx from Mothers Finest Urban Farm as seen on Farmers Footprint

Here’s something you can do today:

The Power of Buying Regenerative Agriculture Products

The Power of Buying Regenerative Over Organic Buying from Regenerative Agriculture farmers and brands first, is a powerful step that we can each take today.ย 

Here on planet Earth, we vote for what we want to see more of with where we spend our money.

Itโ€™s easy to be fooled by clever branding and to unknowingly buy products that seem healthy and sustainable when they really arenโ€™t.ย 

“All Natural” for example doesn’t mean a product is free from toxic pesticides or even synthetic additives. Its clever marketing that sounds great but means nothing.

By paying attention to the actual practices of companies, we can begin to make smarter buying decisions that support the farmers who are doing the right thing.

When we each start flowing more of our purchasing power towards brands, farms, and people that are leveraging sustainable and regenerative practices, it can have an enormous impact.

Hereโ€™s how this works:

When we choose to spend our money on regenerative and sustainable products, weโ€™re also empowering these brands and farmers to scale their businesses.

This helps โ€œprove the regenerative modelโ€ to non-sustainable and chemical farmers, showing that thereโ€™s a better and even a more profitable way forward by transitioning to regenerative agriculture.

This isn’t theory, it’s already happening now.

As shared on Regenerational International, there are already positive examples of struggling farmers transforming their land and profitability by embracing regenerative practices.

Stoney Creek Farm is one of these success stories:

โ€œBy implementing regenerative agricultural principles on our farm, weโ€™ve improved our bottom line by reducing input costs, including chemicals, synthetic fertilizers, and seed. Our operation now includes additional species of livestock and a meat sales enterprise … We hope to add pasture-raised chickens by next year,โ€ – Dawn Breitkreutzย 

Where Can You Buy Regenerative Agriculture Products Today?ย 

When you start looking for companies, products, brands and people that are utilizing regenerative practices, youโ€™ll find there are some great options to support! Many small scale regenerative farmers sell locally, on Etsy, or from their own websites.

Photo of Olivia Watkins from Olivers Agro Forest as seen on Farmers Footprint.

โ€œPeople generally see what they look for and hear what they listen for.โ€ โ€“ Harper Lee

10 Regenerative Agriculture Brands I Love

Hereโ€™s some of the Regenerative Agriculture Brands I love to buy from online:

Patagonia Provisions

Patagonia Provisions Regenerative Agriculture Patagonia has been a leader in sustainable clothing and environmentally friendly business practices for years. Did you know theyโ€™re now in the food business too?

Patagonia Provisions is their in house lineup of edible Regenerative Agriculture products.ย 

Theyโ€™ve also created a marketplace filled with additional Regenerative Agriculture brands offering flavorful and nutritious alternatives to industrialized agriculture products.

Why? As they say on their site: โ€œWe’re in business to save our home planet.โ€

Patagonia Provisions offers a range of products including sustainable and regenerative seafood (I really like their salmon and mussels).

They also have delicious breadfruit crackers, solar dehydrated chili mango, fruit and nut bars, bison jerky, spices, grains, seeds, quick prep food that’s great for camping, and more. All regenerative!ย 

Plus, in their growing Regenerative Agriculture marketplace, you can find all sorts of incredible regenerative food options ranging from Kelp Pickles (seriously amazing) to organic regenerative popcorn, solar dried fruit, nuts, ancient grain pasta, and more.ย 

Check Out The Marketplace Here >ย 

Wild Idea Buffaloย 

Wild Idea Buffalo Wild Idea Buffalo is a regenerative ranching company thatโ€™s working to regenerate the prairie grasslands of the Great Plains by bringing back the bison.

As their founder Dan O’Brien shares: โ€œBy returning the bison to their native homeland, we’re not only rewilding a threatened ecosystem, we are keeping prairies intact, with carbon stored safely underground, and producing the healthiest red meat on the planet.”

If you eat meat, definitely check them out for a delicious, healthy, 100% grass-fed meat that is supporting a healthier planet, bringing the plains prairie back to health and offering a viable solution for a sustainable food supply and a sustainable ecosystem for all life.

This is the only red meat Iโ€™ve introduced back into my diet after being vegan for years. With their mission, humane field harvest practices, and ecosystem regeneration efforts, its changed the way I think about including meat in my diet.

Learn More About Wild Idea Buffalo Company Here >ย 

Sol Springย 

Sol Spring is a Biodynamic brand by Dr Mercola selling products sourced and produced from a small European, Demeter Certified Biodynamicยฎ farm.

As shared on Sol Springs site: โ€œBiodynamic farming is the ecological-ethical-spiritual approach to agriculture, viewing the farm as a living organism โ€” self-contained, self-sustaining and following the cycles of nature while healing our planet in the process.โ€

Sol Spring offers delicious tomato sauces, tapanads, vinegar, coconut oil, coffee, olives and more.

Learn More About Sol Spring Here >ย 

Barnacle Foodsย 

Barnacle Foods Kelp Pickles Barnacle Foods makes the incredible Kelp Pickles you can find in the Patagonia Marketplace. They also sell salsa, hot sauce, and seasonings all made from either sustainably harvested or regeneratively grown Alaskan Bull Kelp from their website.ย 

Bull Kelp is, yes, a type of seaweed that abundantly grows wild off the Alaskan Coast. In addition to careful wild harvesting, Barnacle is partnering with Alaskan farmers to cultivate Kelp. Kelp is a really promising crop for wild-scale adoption because it requires no arable land, fresh water, or fertilizers to grow.

Learn More About Barnacle Foods Here >ย 

Sol Simpleย 

Sol Simple Pineapple Sol Simple is one of the first companies in the world to receive the Regenerative Organic Certification for fruit.

They sell fair trade, organic and regeneratively grown Bananas, Mango, and Pineapple thatโ€™s solar dehydrated, and sourced from small farmers with no market access in countries like Nicaragua.ย 

Their dried pineapple is amazing!

I love that it has nothing added to it, so its got a sweet tart sort of thing going on, its real pineapple with the true taste of the tropics (minus the humidity).

Another cool thing Sol Simple does is introduce the small farmers on the bags of dried fruit. I love knowing that the dried pineapple I just ate was grown by Adilio Alerto Mercasa in Nicaragua.ย 

You can find Sol Simple on Patagonia Provisions, or learn more about their products and initiatives here! >>ย 

Numi Tea

Numi is a Fair Trade and Organic Tea Company thatโ€™s leading by example, showing how a company can operate profitably and sustainably, while creating a positive impact for the planet and humanity as well.

You can find Numi in most grocery stores that offer organic products. They’re also on Patagonia’s Marketplace, or you can purchase online … try their Wander With Purpose Gift Set for a variety tour and glimpse into the lives of the people who grow and make the tea.

Learn more about the products Numi offers here >ย 

Alter Ecoย 

Alter Ego Chocolates Alter Eco makes some seriously delicious Swiss-made chocolate. I’m a big fan of their extra dark chocolate bars and dark chocolate truffles.

I love that they are helping monoculture cacao farmers transition to regenerative agroforestry. They are also doing incredible work replanting and conserving rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon.

Learn more about their Regenerative Practices here >ย 

Organic India

Tulsi Tea from Organic India Organic India offers delicious teas, herbal products, supplements, psyllium powder, and much more!ย 

Their Tulsi Tea is one of my favorites!ย 

Through their network of farmers and wildcrafters they are actively working to reverse environmental degridation through regenerative practices on thousands of acres.

Learn more about their Regenerative Practices here >ย 

Diestel Turkeyย 

Diestel Turkey Diestel is a family owned Turkey Ranch committed to raising Turkeys in a sustainable and regenerative way, according to strict animal welfare and environmental standards.ย 

They share on their site that: โ€œWeโ€™re committed to regenerative agriculture, holistic farming practices that reverse the negative effects of farming by helping to rebuild the soil and restore biodiversity.โ€ย 

Learn More About Their Regenerative Practices here >

White Leaf Provisionsย 

I havenโ€™t actually purchased White Leaf Provisions products myself, but if youโ€™re a mom, or soon-to-be mom this is a brand you definitely need to know about!

White Leaf Provisions offers baby food made from ingredients that are not only certified Organic and GMO-Free but are also regeneratively farmed and Biodynamic.ย ย ย 

White Leaf Provisions is a family run business thatโ€™s committed to showing how working with nature can bring about the purest foods (exactly what you’d want to be feeding to a baby) while also healing the earth.

Learn more about their Baby Food and Biodynamic Regenerative Practices here >ย 

Where to Go From Here:

Regenerative Agriculutre- Where to go from here

This is certainly not an all encompassing list of Regenerative Agriculture options and Iโ€™m still researching, looking and listening, to find new sources for food and products that embrace regenerative practices too.

Talk to people in your local community, see if you can find a regenerative CSA, farmer or Permaculture Orchard to support locally.

Also, if you have brands or products you know of that practice Regenerative Agriculture join the conversation and comment below to share your favorites.

Weโ€™re all in this together, and together, we really can create the positive change we want to see in the world!

It feels good to support regenerative agriculture knowing my money is flowing towards the positive solution.

Some of these products have become my new favorites too. Nutrient dense and delicious is certainly a winning combination in my book.

I hope this has been helpful for you and I look forward to connecting with you in the comments below.

I’m now celebrating finishing this article with a dried slice of Sol Simple Pineapple. So good!


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  1. How cool!! I have been researching this stuff presently myself. Skiing with almost every other topic you mentioned in the email. Not a coincidence!!
    Thanks ๐Ÿ™

  2. Thank you, i wish you the best with this site. You have inspired me for years, and will continue todo so with all this extra interest. Thank you so much.

  3. I love the new blog. Recreating and โ€œfind a wayโ€ are two major themes as of late. As a Reiki Master I love your website and your work. Getting practical tips on how to make the impact we hope for is super empowering and brings hope ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผโœจ๐Ÿงš๐Ÿผ

  4. Years ago I used to listen to Phil Donahue on TV and each day the show would focus on one problem or another. The whole hour would be spent on getting people riled up. BUT….but, the show never offered any solutions. Finally I couldn't handle the emotional upheaval and stopped watching. This type of thing has been my pet peeve for years. Yes, there are problems, but what can you do about it??? Very, very few times is a solution offered. And then you share this. <3 I've thought for years that each person should have a garden in their backyard and if they don't have a backyard, grow in pots. It's doable. Thank you for the suggestion of companies to buy from. I've also got a bee in my bonnet about hemp. I've managed to buy toilet paper made from bamboo. I found a company in North Carolina that is supposed to be making toilet paper from hemp but they're still working on their website so haven't been able to get any more information or been able to purchase anything. But I'll keep looking. Again, thank you for all you do.

  5. I could tell from your energy on YouTube and your energy via emails that you were hoping to express yourself in different facets of life. You are such a bright soul. When you explore your identity and push boundaries, it reminds me to do the same.

  6. This is an amazing list and I will definitely be following this blog. Gladly, a few of my staples are on there ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for doing what you do and for sharing with all of us — and continuing to raise the collective consciousness.

  7. I appreciate the offering of practical fact-based information. I wasn't aware of regenerative farming and will look into that further. Shine On Melanie! Much love, Vicki

  8. Inspiring and motivating! Every person can make a difference even by starting with something small. We need to care more about our planet to maintain our existence. Looking forward to future postings. Always keep the hope.

  9. Dear Malanie your prediction and guidance were useful all the time.Ithink you got bored with ur profession.Anyway congrats for the new assignment.

  10. This is amazing. Thank you for doing the research and pointing all of us to the regenerative sources that can supply us with nutrient dense foods delivered to our door. You can't beat that.
    I am a Master Gardener and have grown some of my food for years. Also have has chickens in the past. I have made a commitment to purchase all of our vegetables from a local farmer's market going forward.
    I am anxious to order from the companies that you list in this post and look forward to more in the future.
    Thanks again for the wonderful blog. I am "all in".

  11. I love everything about this article! It's obvious how much research has gone into this and I feel your heart is so committed to this.
    Thank you
    The fortress

  12. This is great! Love that youโ€™re branching out into your other interests! Gardening and growing is a passion of mine, too, although it can be challenging here in Tucson with the extreme heat!

  13. Really educational. I never heard of or knew of this. Thanks for opening my eyes to this problem and solutions. Many blessings to you.

  14. Thank you for this incredibly informative blog! I have been longing for a garden and have yet to have success growing vegetables on my balcony. You have inspired me to try again. I will also be checking out the links for the companies using restorative practices.

    1. Glad this was inspiring for you! There really is so much that you can do with container gardening… If you've been having challenges it may be you're not getting enough light. Lettuces and greens may do well for you.

  15. Melanie I really enjoyed reading this! I too believe we need to bring back the more natural vitamin enriched foods. A great start is to add back to Gaia the right minerals that she has been depleted from. And thank you for listing suggestions of where to buy better foods. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’œStephanie Z

  16. What a great article! I loved Kiss The Earth and will check out the Farmers Footprint documentary. I also enjoyed The Biggest Little Farm on Netflix. Iโ€™ve been purchasing meat and veg from a local CSA and have an aeroponic garden for fresh organic greens (although this doesnโ€™t help with soil regeneration, it does use much less water than a traditional garden). Youโ€™ve inspired me to do more research on where I can source and support more regenerative farmers here in Southern Ontario, and to grow some more veggies on my deck this summer. With gratitude.

    1. Ohhh I haven't watched The Biggest Little Farm… thanks for the suggestion! Glad this helped bring some inspiration for your garden this season!

  17. So true and the truth talking through Melanieโ€™s post. So appreciate for
    your intention
    spread this information!Keep
    going and we who understand how
    important topic is so supporting you

  18. Once upon a time I began to ask myself how to help the world. To put it on a better course. The question arose in me from seeing the destruction of our modern society and modern technology. (Dont get me wrong, I love our modern technology, my iPad, my collection of tools, driving fast on an empty road.etc) I carried this question for months if not years. The question morphed a little into โ€œHow can I help and how can I heal, both myself and the world. The answer came to reconnect with nature. Garden and farm in ways that heal the Landscape. I found this wasn not an original idea, so I read dozens of books. I spent A few years working on numerous organic farms both in Europe and in America. Now I am back doing carpentry again and pondering my next move.

    Your angel meditations are helping me find myself again. I am truly grateful for the work you do Melanie.

    Thank you.
    PS let me know if you want a reading list ๐Ÿ™‚

    PS, I can share the titles of some good permaculture books if you like.

    1. Thanks for sharing your explorations and glad to hear the angel meditations have been helping you to reconnect with your Truth!

      I have quite a few Permaculture books… curious as to your top 3 recommendations though and if they're ones I have. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Oh goodness three then.
        Biodynamic agriculture course by Rudolf steiner
        Anastasia by Vladimir megre
        Sepp Holzerโ€™s permaculture, by Sepp Holzer

        Steiner was talking about farming holistically in the 1920s, including planting according to the movement of the planets and the cosmos. (Perhaps the first thing to do to move in this direction is get the 2021 Maria Thun planting calendar from Amazon)

        Anastasia is my greatest inspiration. Many beautiful visions of what is possible and how to connect deeply with nature.

        Sepp Holzer is one of my heroes. So is anyone regenerating nature.

        What are your top three books?

  19. Thank you Melanie. Fantastic information! Im always looking for informative shows to watch, to learn…SO much good happening out there. I too have recently incorporated small amounts of eggs, dairy & meat after being strictly vegan for years. I will only buy them from local, sustainable sources and to me, the difference in quality compared to traditional stores cannot be overstated. I wholeheartedly agree, we must return to the ways of nature, to coexist. Thank you for sharing your passions and for shinning so brightly. I am inspired and filled with gratitude after reading your post. <3

  20. With you all the way on this, I am just beginning to sow vegetables on my windowsill as I dont have my own green space..yet! Tomato seedlings are coming on strong and am sharing them with family and friends, much love to you from the UK ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ž

  21. Love your New blog, very informative and Great links to back up everything. Keep up the fantastic Job you do, lots of light and love โ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž

  22. Hello Melanie If you use your energy and knowing to help ALL animals in the world then myself and all the people I know will be right behind you all the way. It is the way forward for this world right now.

  23. Very interesting, i will look into it. There is here where I live, a farmer that has this kind of agriculture, but you must be a member and buy their products. Unfortunately it is expensive and i am alone.
    I found a couple who during the summer sell their organic products without any pestacide. For me it is perfect.

    Thank you

  24. I love this article … so much truth to all the nature connection of life.. looking forward to the new insights ๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

  25. Great article Melanie!! LOVE IS THE ANSWER!!!! For Everyone, to be kind and loving to one another…the Planet, (our Home!), to look after the Animals, and Plants. To do their part, as you are doing!!
    I spent the last 4 years and 10 months bedridden, and in an abusive nursing home, in a wheelchair!! By the Grace of God, I have made a comeback!! Now I am back home to my Wonderful nature sanctuary. I am planting a small garden this year and having someone plant wild flowers and milkweed, to bring back Monarchs and help our insects, and bees, etc. that are So important to Our Survival!!…..all over my 7.75 acres!!
    Keep up the Great Work!! โค๐Ÿ™

  26. I love this article and this is something I am definitely interested in learning more about. I now leave in Sedona I know you lived there before. Are there any stores or farms there that Practice the regenerative soil method to grow their crops? My guides keep insisting that I eat fresh whit fish which is practically impossible unless one leaves by the water. If you know of any place in Sedona were I can buy the catch of the day I would really appreciate it!

    As for growing my own food, I love the Idea but I just have a balcony I guess I could start by growing some tomatoes and by supporting the merchants who use the right practices to grow their crops

    1. Check out Interdependence Foods in Sedona… They have some good options. For fish I’d recommend or they have really high quality sustainable flash frozen seafood… In addition to the seafood options from Patagonia Provisions.

  27. Thank you for the in-depth information, increasing my awareness of the necessity to preserve our ecosystems.
    Your blog had so much information and I think you'll have great success as a blogger.
    Thank you.

  28. Not to mention that all living things have energy, which when consumed give us energy, and the more organic and fresh the higher the vibration! Thank you Melanie for your efforts to lift us one human @ a time!

  29. Hi Melanie! I (almost) feel like I know you from your Ask Angels videos and the powerful channeled healings I so benefit from as part of my healing and soul awakening journey๐ŸŒŸ. Thanks for all you do! I really enjoyed your blog here which is so full of helpful and interesting information. I used to have a brown thumb (ask my husband) but it seems that as I have grown spiritually my healing and nurturing gifts have been awakened and my plants are healthy and green. Animals seem to gravitate towards me as well! I just told my husband that I am inspired to plant some things in container gardens this spring. I look forward to โ€œseeing youโ€ on your new blog and website. Wishing you all the best with your creationsโค๏ธ

    1. Practice tuning into the subtle energy of the plants! You probably already are hence your thumbs turning greener! Thanks for your support and encouragement.

  30. All of my time here, I have been seeing in my mind's eyes, a garden. Mother always grew zuchinni's and other ground-grown vegetables. In my youth, she would give me the overage and I went door to door selling to my neighbor's vegetables for a nickel each. Earth needs to have soil which is nutrious and sustainable. I once was told that thousands of acres of our topsoil have been sheltered within great empty salt mines, should our eco-rich soil be depleted through the destruction of our planet. Bravo, Melanie, for reminding us where we came from, and how we can live in our coming time here.

  31. This is a wonderful article and I was just asking where I could be of service. I live in the Central Valley of Ca so this is something that comes into my mind constantly and such an important topic that doesnโ€™t get discussed enough. I live gardening but I appreciate the names of companies that are taking forward steps on this issue. Thank you๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

    1. Thanks for your comment! Definitely front of awareness in the Central Valley! There are inspiring projects emerging there too though. Glad this was helpful for you.

  32. Melanie! Iโ€™ve been following you for a while and this new blog is awesome! I appreciate you and thanks for sharing. You are an inspiration.

  33. Love this blog- so glad you're doing this. It's going to really help me expand my practice of being a loving, kind, responsible human… gives me actionable steps, informs me in a deep and practical way, and connects me to others. Awesome! Also, I'm looking forward to sharing what I learn from you with others in my family/friend group. Thanks again for all that you do/all that you share of yourself with others. ๐Ÿ˜€

  34. Hi Melanie!

    How refreshing and encouraging! I think is this is such a great representation of having Uranus in Taurus which inspires us to be more innovate in farming, food, sustainability and community. That's what this New Age in Aquarius is all about! Yay!

    1. Yes, you’re totally right about the Uranus is Taurus connection! Thanks for the astrological perspective :)… Its fun to see and witness how guided we are in the waves of positive change unfolding.

    2. I live in New Zealand and have a small holding.
      We have two poly tunnels, multiple outside gardens, an orchard and our own sheep.
      I am constantly feeding my soil with compost, sheep manure and mulch. No nasty chemicals. Food just tastes so much better!

      1. Sounds amazing! I love New Zealand… Which island are you on? You’re totally right about food tasting better this way too.

  35. Melanie, I loved your message. You did detailed research, provided information, and sent links so the reader could check it out for themselves. Keep up the great work!

  36. Great information and well presented … especially pointing out the "industrialized farming/ agriculture" … and for pointing us in directions lives regarding our food

  37. I resonate strongly with what you are doing and sharing. I was raised in Hawaiสปi growing and picking my own food. I have raised my children doing that as well. We eat as much as we can from the land and it is so healing. This is the revolution that will heal the people physically, mentally and spiritually. Thank-you so much for your inspirations of love and light. I always smile when I see one of you videos. Aloha!

  38. This is great- thank you for compiling all this information! Looking forward to checking out that documentary and shopping those brands. Iโ€™ve tried gardening at home and havenโ€™t had much luck with it so far. When I try to learn how to do it online, I get overwhelmed. I need like, a Cliff Notes version of how to garden at home!

    1. Reading Gaias Garden was really helpful for me… Also just jumping in and failing forward! Nature is resilient and ready to co-create and we can learn as we go.

  39. Also… Iโ€™d like to recommend Lovewell Farms for anyone looking for hemp or CBD products. Itโ€™s a small family-owned farm in Rhode Island that practices organic and regenerative farming. My cousin is the Director of horticulture there. ๐Ÿ˜

  40. Wonderful Melanie!! Just a lovely informative, and inspirational read! Thank you! Looking forward to starting my garden this year!!

  41. Totally agree with the view point of bio dynamic agriculture in a way to give back to mother nature the most we can and support with our energy (money) only the companies who respect the sustainability of our planet. Good luck with your new blog. ๐ŸŒนโœจ

  42. You are truly inspired and so inspiring!!! I have always gravitated towards biodynamics but sometimes fall victim to โ€œbeing busyโ€ to allow myself to ignore making the better decisions for myself and the entire eco system. Thank you for reminding us and inspiring us to have fun choosing and supporting people that are making a big difference/impact on our environment!!!
    Love your blog, keep it up and know that you are appreciated!!!
    Thank you Melanie!

  43. Hooray! Hooray! I needed this god news after learning that most US farmland is now owned by the 4th highest
    billonaire in our country. GMO seeds and petroleum-based pesticides are two things that have damaged soil in
    the world, caused many suicides of small farmers, and loss of locally grown crops.
    That is the land that needs regenerating. It does start with each of us.

  44. Melanie, thank you so much for sharing your kindness and wisdom in such an open, caring way. It sets a great example of goodness and light.

  45. Thank you Melanie. Its funny, as a life long learner for who following my curiosity a way of lifeI started an IG page over a year ago, AHA Discoveries, that was to be a similar place to share my discoveries, discuss, learn from others. Then I did the next logical thing and decided to take a break from Technology. I spent almost a solid 9 mths away, on my journey within, and finally thinking I might be ready to ease back in when Covid became our new reality. Suddenly what was just going to be easy inspired post, felt bigger and heavier and I ultimately decided to stay in the chrysalis a bit longer. But like you, I feel strongly that now is the time to connect, to share, to continue to evolve, together. Thank you for this inspiration.

    How do I follow you blog? Will you email us when you post? Excited to be on this beautiful journey with you.
    All the Best, Always,

  46. Thank you so much for all the wonderful information Melanie, best to you on the new adventure in life.

  47. I really appreciate this article. As a consumer and advocate of organic farming for over 20 years, I do see increased commercialization and although that is good, itโ€™s time to increase our consumer demands to meet higher and sustainable agriculture practices. Itโ€™s once again time foe us to โ€œstep up our gameโ€ with the way we consume and support the best people. And definitely most definitely growing our own food is not only super supportive for our own health but is also for our community and environment! I appreciate you so much Melanie!!

    1. Thanks for your comment Shannon and for all you’re doing! You’re absolutely right that growing demand for Organic leading to more commercialized organic practices is a good thing. Organic is a powerful step… But lets now keep taking steps!

  48. Well done, Melanie! Thank you for sharing,and YES, we are making a difference with all practices of integrity and win-win for all.

  49. Hi Beautiful, it sounds amazing what youโ€™re going to do. I look forward to reading your posts. And congratulations on your new adventure ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—โค๏ธโค๏ธ

  50. It's been my observation for yrs. that too many don't want to look too closely to the Corporations behind the problems–like Amazon. Walmart, etc. There's still way too many purchasing from these & just keep these problems in acceleration mode.
    This regenerative agriculture is a good idea; but, I just wonder if there's enough time for it's benefits to save this planet.

  51. You continue to lead, inspire and educate. So happy you are doing all the things you love and that make your spirit sing. Thanks for introducing me to regenerative agriculture. I'm hoping in the future to live where I can participate in gardening. Blessings Be!

  52. Melanie, Thank you ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป. This World needs everyoneโ€™s help and even if itโ€™s starting your own garden and buying from and supporting regenerative agriculture every little bit helps!! One person at a time can spread to so many to make a big difference

  53. Thank you Melanie for this new and very informative blog. I can't wait to start exploring and ordering from some of these regenerative agriculture websites, and researching for more of them on my own. This is information that everyone should be made aware of. I can't wait to see what you put out in your next installment! Many blessings!

  54. This is extremely impressive, Melanie. There is a farmer's market here where I can start buying some food on Saturdays. This is because I live in a small apartment with no yard.

  55. Melanie thanks for sharing that info!!! I'm glad you can highlight companies that are dong what's best for Mother Earth as well as for their profits! Ill have to check them out cause most of the ones you mentioned I haven't yet heard of. Many blessings to you, im glad your expanding your contributions to making this world a better place! โค

  56. Awesome blog! I, too, have been redirecting my focus from strongly psychic/spiritual/healing stuff to sustainability and regenerative practices. I'm a bit obsessed with plastic free, zero waste, but all things sustainable is calling me powerfully. With this blog, the bright light I sense from you (and have always sensed, of course) is more grounded and practical for me personally. I can really receive this information with zero confusion about what to do with it. Thank you for shining your light in new ways for your readers!

  57. Thank you for your personal investment into this beautiful home we share, Earth. I will be following your new blog as well. What are your thoughts on public sewer, waste and water systems? Are there ways that human "waste" can be used to regenerate soil as well?

    1. There absolutely are! Look into composting toilets. So many solutions already exist… Its just about willingness to learn and embrace change.

  58. Hi Melanie! So happy for you and your new blog ๐Ÿ˜Š Congrats and much happiness! Truly inspiring and important area of our lives… Looking forward to dive deeper for sure. Indigo Earth Angel here, activist and multipassionate! So I totally resonate with your messages โค I live in Portugal and try to buy mostly local products, some bio, with no packaging due to the huge impact of waste, plastic and transportation carbon footprint. Always learning and trying to improve! There are so many aspects when it comes to taking care of our Earth and all the wonderful beings that live here. Thank you for raising awareness about these amazing sustainable practices! much love and blessings ๐ŸŒžโญโค

  59. Thank you so much Melanie, I learned a lot from this. Much needed info to share with the world!

    Iโ€™ve been buying Organic India tulsi tea for years, itโ€™s my favorite tea. Iโ€™m so glad to see it on the list!

    Iโ€™m a huge Ask-Angels fan but Iโ€™m
    so excited youโ€™re diving into other topics as well! <3

  60. This is a wonderful article! I am in search solutions to problems and this is exactly what I needed. I started growing a garden two years ago and there is quite a learning curve. I'm so glad you are sharing the full scope of who you are so we can all learn to embody our full selves, which doesn't fit into neat little boxes. So glad to be on your mailing list to get updates and the inside scoop. You have so much knowledge and I am grateful to learn from your wisdom!!

  61. This was very interesting. I want to follow this blog because I think anything we can do to make better choices that sustain our health and our planet is the way of the future. I want to focus on improving. Iโ€™m not Vegan but i appreciate these articles.

  62. This is something I promote on my FB page-Amy the Amateur Herbalist-the power of the plants to grow your own food and make your own medicine. People are more receptive now to it more than eve. This makes me feel empowered by educating them and spreading this important message of living with Mother Nature and respecting her innate intellingence and the innate intellingence of our bodies!! Happy to see you sharing this message on your platform as well!! Hoping this movement continues to grow…

  63. Wow, Melanie! This is a really great post. I'm excited about keeping up with your new blog and trying out some of these vendors. What you've talked about here reminds me of what George Washington Carver was trying to do in the South by growing peanuts to regenerate the soil.

    Thank you for this!


  64. Thank you for sharing all of this amazing info. My mom moved us out of Staten Island when I was 6 to a house with half an acre. We had chickens, garden, got milk straight from a dairy farm she cleaned house for, and raised pigs at a friends house (they had the land for it) we were always outside and didnโ€™t watch very much tv. We were organic before it was cool. Now, with both my husband and I working full time we barely have the energy to make a meal much less grow it (we had a garden for three years before I started working). The other issue is the cost of eating healthier for a family of five. We do cook most of the time and have lots of veggies but itโ€™s the stuff that is cheap. I still spend more than I like on groceries each week! I can see how overwhelming this could be for those even less fortunate. My question has always been โ€œif there is less (chemicals)on the food, and processed less, why does it cost more?โ€ While it makes sense to take much better care of ourselves and the earth, the cost can be quite the deterrent for those struggling to keep a roof over their head. Again thank you for sharing! Have a blessed weekend!

  65. Hi Melanie, Just a quick note to say thanks for the link to your new blog ~Looks great and Love that it is SouLutions based ~ Well researched and filled with info and facts that people need to know ~ Love that you are broadening your horizons ~ maybe you could include outlets outside the US for those of us that live elsewhere around the World ~ Just a thought as all of the marketing stuff was US based. Great that you've pulled it all together though ~ Much Love and Brightest Blessings on your new ventures ~

  66. Thank you, Melanie! What a wonderful article! Filled with so much helpful information and tangible ways we can participate and support the healing and regeneration of our precious Mother Earth.๐ŸŒ

  67. Hi Melanie

    I want to thank you for this very informative website. You have obviously been doing a lot of work and research. Thank you for sharing. I find it quite overwhelming with all the information available and knowing what is fact and what is opinion can be quite hard to distinguish at times. When I have more time, I will click on the links you have provided to increase my own knowledge. Please keep posting. I have my own veggie garden, am not the best gardener around but enjoy the process and the produce. Thanks again.

  68. What a great article and so so true, I've just finished being part of the grain Harvest season along with driving around Western Australia and South Australia and was shocked to see the many dust bowls happening all over the place… was saddening to see.

    It can be turned around, Love ourselves Love the Earth ๐Ÿฆ‹

  69. Words cannot describe the eternal gratitude that I feel in my being. I am truly blessed and honored by Melanie and her circle of spiritual influence๐ŸŒน

  70. Would you recommend organic regenerative agriculture products as the ideal . Thank you for such an informative blog . Totally resonated and so in tune with what we need to know and learn

    1. Yes! Biodynamic and permaculture are keywords to keep an eye out for as well though. They are regenerative sometimes better than organic with another name.

  71. You are so inspiring! Thank you so much! I will begin exploring the Regenerative Agriculture sites to order and support as much as my Social Security check will allow. Thank you for providing hope!

  72. I look forward to your posts and notice you have been mostly absent over the past two months. Iโ€™ll definitely follow you here also. Iโ€™m planning on growing food in the backyard this year. Energetically I understand where youโ€™re coming from! Thanks for all the links to companies and products!

  73. Wow! Melanie this is fantastic. Thank you.

    I am doing a weekly self-care radio program and today we are discussing the benefits of nutrition and gut health on our mental well-being.

    As a Mindvalley Rainbow Warrior I help green Earth through gardening including caring for an organic community garden as a volunteer in Newcastle NSW Australia.

    Your new BLOG looks amazing. I am going to watch Kiss The Ground and learn more about the topics you raised in this article.

    Have you looked at doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Kit and essential oils products. No sales pitch here… just want to draw your attention to the nutrition packed supplements and doTERRA's co-impact sourcing, building sustainable communities and high therapeutic content in products due to sourcing ingredients being grown indigenously across Earth.

    Blessings to you for also being an Earth Angel.


  74. I absolutely love this Melanie! I follow AskAngels and meditate with you everyday.
    This new blog is so full of information and is a wonderful solution to the way we need to be thinking. I know there is so much we can do in a positive way to change how weโ€™ve been treating this earth. You have given me so much to think about, a new direction indeed!
    Thank you so much for creating this space for us to share with you.
    Love to you and all you do for this planetโฃ๏ธ

  75. Thank you for taking the time to inform us I will be reading this again. I have always had a garden if I could I was raised on not one but two gardens my Dad planted.

  76. Love this article Melanie & you've inspired me to find a local regenerative!! I've recently started a very small veggie & herb garden (baby steps) and can't believe the difference in flavor compared to the supermarket purchased ones. I've never been much of a gardener in the past, but was inspired by a documentary I saw called 2040. It's an uplifting and informative documentary that talks about what our planet will look like (in a good way) by 2040 if we started making 5 changes now. First 'green' doco I've seen where I've walked away uplifted & inspired instead of depressed & hopeless. If you haven't seen it, definitly worth checking it out. I'm really looking forward to following this blog, along with your angels blog. Thank you X

  77. Thank you very much, Melanie! It's heartwarming hearing how more people are taking steps to improve the world. All of our actions combined together can make a big difference over time. I greatly appreciate you doing so much research for us, and for sharing this important information. Sending you lots of love and light. ๐Ÿ’œโœจ

  78. As a farmers daughter and a farmers wife I know the struggle of trying to move from conventional (which I so dislike) to healthy and sustainable, and still being able to pay the bills! I could say so much about this – but I am thankful you are talking about – we all need to talk more about this despite the billion dollar companies who want to keep it quiet. I love your Angel work and know that the Angels are on this issue as well working with us all the time to move this titanic around!

  79. This is great, thanks Melanie. I already started my own vege garden last year and try to buy from local organic growers, but now I see there is so much more I can do. I have started bottling and dehydrating gifts of food from my wonderful friends too. Feels so good. ๐Ÿค—

  80. I loved this article Melanie. Environmental sustainability is the call of the hour! My day begins with a cup of Organic india tea.

  81. Melanie what a perfect and complimentary next step for your expansion. I purchase from organic local farmers and other businesses that do sustainable farming or conduct ethical business practices Thank you for this list and I suggest checking out Zero Waste Blessings, Grace from CT USA

  82. Thank you Melanie! I've been following and loving your work for a while! I am a kindergarten teacher, soon-to-be new mom and avid community advocate! I've been working summers at a local organic farm–the Women's Environmental Institute and love how you are getting the word/work out with your new blog! Keep it coming! Very inspiring! Also as an educator, I'd love to promote connecting with the Kiss The Ground documentary to bring it to school communities!

  83. This is wonderfully written and there are a lot of true informations and insights. I really enjoyed reading this first article Melanie, as Iโ€™m very sensitive, touched and grateful for all what Mother Earth has to offer to us. Do we give back?
    Even only our Love? I feel itโ€™s time for human kind (wrote by many Naturalist in France as Nicolas Hulot – Ushuaia, or Frederic Dion or also Hubert Reeves) to preserve and act, even on an individual level, the process of environmental protection and changes. As France has conducted the France Paris pact for climate changes, I feel that we, all of us, need to feel and be concerned by the way we โ€œuse food and waterโ€ as they are our very basic principles to feed and to drink.
    Well, I could write a whole message about my personal feelings and concerns, but anyway, thank you very much for this wonderful first post, and I look forward to continue reading all your insights and ideas about our Mother Nature ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ™

  84. I like your new direction! Your blog was full of good information. Our backyard gardens also reduced the need for insecticides and pesticides. Those are what are killing our bees and polluting our water supply. Backyard gardens promote healthier eating and gardening is a great way to de stress. Get the kids involved for some educational fun.

  85. Excellent information Melanie! I am passing this on to my group of friends! We want to be the change!

    Where to start? In our own communities!

  86. Thank you for sharing all this wonderful information with us!!
    I support our local CSA and Farmers Markets….but knowing about all these on line sources is great, I will definitely checking them out ๐Ÿ™‚
    You are a bright light in out world …I appreciate you!

  87. Hi Melanie,
    You are so clever. Thank you for breaking it all down with great research and writing as well as sharing your application of living in a sustainable and healing way for the planet. I am looking forward to what you have to say and this has been a very engaging article.
    Love from Phuong

  88. Thank you Melanie, for the inspiring article and unleashing your multidimensional expression <3 These past few days I've really been wondering how to better support myself and the planet through dietary choices, you've really helped, as always! I appreciate you ๐Ÿ™‚

  89. Hi Melanie,
    This is amazing, I am in the UK and it's hard to even buy organic where I am. I have grown veg myself and will be going back to doing so. I really hope your words manage to spread far and wide.

  90. Fantastic information. Had just been having a rant to my cousin in America about the state of our soil and how important it is and then I opened my inbox and found your new blog! Great stuff! Thanks.

  91. A good book to read regarding Mass extensions and human beings is 'Sapiens' by Yuval Noah Harari, it will give you a different perspective on how we impact Earth.
    Thank you for sharing this newsletter.

  92. ๐Ÿ Thanks for sharing this wonderful information. I totally agree with your reasonings and knowledge. I will follow the links and rad more about the company's practices, very good. I am looking for sustainability with many products. One in particular is Aloe Vera the miracle plant. I feel it is important to make it the basis of nutrition to be supportive in the change of the process.

    ๐Ÿ’Œ Thank you for sharing your blog!

    1. Thank you Melanie for your informative and emotion filled article
      On manโ€™s depleting soil practises and small solutions to begin with.
      Living in a small province in Canada .
      I constantly look for locally grown foods from sustainable farming
      promoting my wellness philosophy of mind body and spirit with info on supplements.

      My meditative thoughts and intent are that we wake up to the needs of healing our earth and ourselves.

      Love and light sent to you..
      An Appreciative listener Syvia๐Ÿ’•

  93. Fabulous!! The energies of the planet are speaking to me the same way!! I literally just started a landscaping and design business a few months ago after 11 years teaching. Now, Iโ€™m hoping to integrate the education of growing your own food to the children of our community through a grant I pray I receive next month!!! How exciting Melanie!!! Love, light, blessings๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ’›๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ’›

  94. Wow! I have been living deep in California farm country for the last year and absolutely hate it! Up until now, I haven't been able to point my finger on why I feel so disturbed as I drive past miles and miles of fields and orchards and giant dairies! The land looks ravaged! I have been longing to move someplace with open space, where I can compost and have a garden!
    Melanie, your Ask Angels messages have helped me through a year of tough transitions. Thank you! These new messages will help me find direction!
    Thank you!!

  95. Gardening has been coming into my awareness in MULTIPLE places, so much so that I Am daydreaming of opening and maintaining community gardens on empty lots. One where I live and one in an economically challenged neighborhood. I mean everyone around me is talking about having or starting there own garden. It is soooooooo in the air. Congrats of your expansion, I love it!!!

  96. The massive elephant in the room that netflix and mainstream media never address (on purpose) is climate and weather engineering through military/government operations – since ww2 and accelerated since the late 1960s. Using weather as a weapon is reality. It's possible that most of us have never experienced natural weather patterns, and that's not an exageration. They aimed to totally control all weather on earth in a document called "Owning the weather by 2025" by the US Air Force, I'm pretty sure they've already arrived at their goal. Another issue never addressed is the continuing pollution (since March 2011) of the Pacific and at this point much of the northern hemisphere from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, which is certainly a major contributor to the mass extinctions. There is also much going on in space which affects us and all life, a decling magnetosphere (which affects everything) and unusual solar conditions point to major shifts ahead on earth.
    So while toxic, corporate agriculture is terrible, there's a lot more going on that is ignored but is vital to address if we're actually wanting to restore the natural functions of this planet. When you can't even grow your own organic garden outside without worrying about the toxins that are falling onto them from weather engineering or polluted ground/tap water, if you're like me it should piss you off. We are in an ecological collapse largely caused by the psychotic global elite, and the current (fake) pandemic scenario is part of the agenda to control people and thus resources in an effort to save themselves (from their own crimes) while herding the masses to slaughter.

    The best resource for info on climate engineering is


  97. Melanie,
    Your soul shines even brighter now. This blog was so informative, full of resources, and facts based in reality. You are a beacon of hope and I am blessed to have come upon this blog. I will be utilizing these resources and sharing with others, both this blog and your other. Keep up the amazing, blessed creativity.

  98. Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing and educating me! Words cannot express my gratitude! Thank you thank you thank you!!!! Blessings of love and light to you, your friends, your family and all!

  99. This article was beautiful Melanie and extensive! An extremely impressive and thorough piece. This is how we heal Gaiaโ€“by working together as a collective to return her to her once pristine state by utilizing such eco-driven practices as regenerative farming and home-grown produce. There will come a time in the not-too-distant future where mass agriculture will be in the process of being phased out as a major source of the food supply. This article was helpful in providing a list of many alternatives to products we typically find on the shelves of our grocery stores as well as illustrating a general sense of what the problem is (at present) and what we can do to change it moving forward. The we can do to pool our collective resources together to improve how we live and sustain ourselves on this beautiful planetโ€“the better.

  100. The biology of population has been a serious issue in my life. I take over population seriously. Being a farmer has its challenges. Farming 75% by hand is what I considered giving back to the earth and was in alignment with my purposeful life. There is an environmental issue with too much of a demand for quantity and ignoring quality of life for our planet. Perhaps focusing on being humans on this planet should be required to maintain the quality of life and not the color of our flesh or our beliefs of purpose.

  101. What a great article, thank you. Can I make a plug for Biodynamic farmers please. I belong to our local group.
    I'm not a farmer, but I do garden, and I try to use Biodynamic principles. Biodynamics uses the cosmos to determine what to plant and harvest, when to weed, the best time to build compost heaps etc, plus they use "preparations" to enhance the soil. I am still learning, so not an expert.
    It's a very organic way of gardening / farming, and there are a lot of permaculture type practices within the Biodynamic way of farming / gardening.
    In particular I would like to recommend a fantastic Biodynamic dairy in North Qld Australia.
    Mungalli Milk. Their farmers are all Biodynamic farmers, and they care deeply about the health of the soil, and the health and happiness of the cows, and their milk is TO DIE FOR.
    Thanks again for your uplifting article.

    1. Absolutely! Biodynamic IS regenerative agriculture. I’m a huge fan and learning more about the bio dynamic preparations and practices. Thanks for sharing!

  102. Thanks Melanie …
    A thought that warms the heart.
    We all need to talk and do more about it
    Your angel work together if the angels I know.
    The angels are on this subject and also work with us all the time to convey to us this development.
    Wishing us all to reach this in good health …

  103. Kiss the Ground is a phenomenal documentary. Iโ€™m glad you recommended it here, and that you wrote this great article. I appreciate your sensitivity to separate this aspect from your ask-angels blogs.Thanks for at least a decade of providing inspiration and being a Wayshower. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ

  104. As a gardener I find this very interesting. I was not going to put in my garden this year as I just lost my husband to Covid last month. But you have given me new hope and inspiration. Many thanks and Namaste…

  105. Thank you, Melanie!
    If more people spread this news, hopefully the people who are not even aware of this will also get to know this. So they can choose to take action as well.
    The more people know this, the more we can do about this and it needs to be done NOW!

  106. Loved AskAngels and totally agree the change starts within…. us and our own environment. Kiss the Ground was awesome, as is Back to Eden a short doco. There are so many ways we can benefit from a kinder and sustainable style of living. All the best in your new venture Melanie. Thanks for doing what you do. Hope life stays kind to you, have fun, share that Love and Light xx

  107. I Love this article so much, it brought tears. So much love and passion. Such good change, information, inspiring. Thank you so much and I wish you well, lots of Love to you and your new blog. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’•

  108. Thank you. I saw "Kiss The Ground" a few months ago and struggled to find regenerative products. Your links are a huge help.

  109. I really enjoyed reading this article and agree with it completely. We grow a few things every year however when I retire in the next few years I want to grow the majority of what we eat! I did this years ago in my 20's and made my own cashew nut milk (and much more) before manufacturers offered it and found it very satisfying. It is more time consuming but if you set up a lifestyle that incorporates growing your own food and researching what you support, it becomes a natural way of life. As a teenager I was part of a group called CFL ,(cruelty free living), and our job was to educate the public a little at a time. I love to see that you are doing this Melanie. The more we can educate, the more people think about what they do. No judgement just planting seeds of thought so individuals start to question what they eat and things they do.

  110. Thank you! I love the new blog direction. And this is something that we can actually help to make change. I appreciate your voice and these lessons.

  111. Brilliant Melanie! I love your article! My regret is that all the shops you suggest are for the American market only. I am in the UK. Would you know of great places to shop here in the UK?? Thank you so much for your article though. I definitely look forward to reading your next one. Lots of love to you! Catherine

  112. I Absolutely Love This Article ~ Saving the planet along with eating healthier… especially now with everything going on. A lot of gems throughout this article. Thank You Melanie.

  113. Thank you Melanie for showing me that there is ever room for expansion and growth. I am inspired by your kind and uplifting voice providing a way that I too can be a part of healthy change to support my family and mother earth.

  114. I'm so glad you started this new blog! I love it! I actually work for Dr. Mercola/SolSpring and it's so close to our hearts to support more Biodynamic and regenerative Agriculture products. We can all make a difference!

  115. I love this article. You have given us several options and documented education. Thank you so much. I have been interested in this subject for years now. My grandparents where farmers in Michigan. I lived on the farm early in my life. My grandmother's maiden name was Farmer. They raised a very healthy family by growing all their food. Grandma only bought flower and sugar from the store. My memories include a large family that were connected in love while living in harmony with the land. I have been longing to return to farming my entire adult life.

  116. Great article, thanks for posting. Will have to check out some of the better living resources listed here.
    Have a beautiful day Melanie ๐ŸŒŽโ˜บ

  117. I'm surprised at you promoting turkeys when they can't naturally reproduce and so it's all based on rape and the proces s of getting the meat still involved slaughter which you can't do humanely. I follow you for ask the angels and I'm disturbed to find you not vegan I can understand the buffalo more than I can the turkeys though because I'm u k based and unlikely to be able to get it but the turkeys really?

    1. Amy, I was vegan for years and vegetarian for almost a decade. Due to some health reasons and working with a natural medicine practitioner I opted to mix in a small amount (meat as medicine) of regeneratively and humanely raised meat (bison) and sustainably caught wild salmon.

      I included the Turkey and Bison here because many people do eat meat, and there is a better way forward even within the meat industry to live in greater harmony with the earth.

  118. Hi Melanie!!!!
    I just opened YT to find your amazing post and article.
    This is enormously synchronistic! Iโ€™m deeply worried about the planet too.
    And I have just made a short doco-styled video in this exact topic and would LOVE to talk further. I know youโ€™re busy and have a gazillion queries …. is there a way to continue this conversation?
    Looking forward to helping to change our world, one conversation at a time!

  119. Wow, nice to read something positive with a solution. Thank you. I'm in the UK so will research here. Couple of brands I so recognise.
    Look forward to your next blog xx

  120. Thank you for your contribution to making the world a better place to live. I'm so glad I found you. Love, light and many blessings to all.

  121. Wow, I am moved to tears reading this article! Thank you for sharing this important information AND sharing one of the things that creates harmony within your soul!

    I have been gardening for a few years and just now looking into how I can organically enrich my soil. I donโ€™t use fertilizer or pesticides and I have been working on educating neighbors.

    The thing I hope to be able to do by next winter is grow cool weather crops in my garage. Foods we grow or eat from local farms are better for us even if they arenโ€™t completely pollution free.

    Thank you again and I look forward to seeing other interests of yours!

    May you experience continued blessings, light, and always have unconditional acceptance ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’•

  122. Thank you for sharing. I especially love the list of foods you shared.

    We very fortunate to be able to buy most of our food fresh from local growers now.

    But it's great to know what packaged foods are good for those times we need them.

    Lots of Love, Brenda.

  123. Reading this article has sparked an interest that lay dormant until now. Yes!! I have found a direction! I, too, want to make

    our planet a better place to live! It starts with all of us! One step at a time or even a giant leap!

    Thank you Melanie for the inspiration. I have been in your group and following you for several years now and with your

    following I'm sure you will get others on board with this movement!

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